OCPP CSS: Privacy policy

OCPP Central System as a Service
Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy describes when we collect data about you, including Personal Data ("PD"), what data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, to whom and where we share such data, where and how we process it, what choices you have and your legal rights related to that information.

Scope of this Policy

RS Technologies manages the data collected during your interactions with OCPP CSS through our websites, products, services or other online activities ("Services").

Contact Us

For more information about our Privacy Policy or about how we handle data about you, please contact us in any of the ways below:

RS Technologies, registration number 1165047055139 ("RST"). is registered in the Russian Federation.

The data we collect or receive

What data about you do we collect

We collect and receive data from and about you in various ways, as described below.

The data you provide to us

We collect data you give us directly, including when you enter it on our site or include it in an email you send us. This type of data collection often occurs as part of your interaction with our services, for example:

  • When you register or create an account for OCPP CSS ("Account"), we ask you for information such as: contact information (including name, email address or physical address, country or telephone number); account administration information (including username, password or security questions); payment information (including credit card or other payment number, billing address); date of birth and profile information (such as profile picture, languages, "Like" marks).
  • When you purchase materials and services, we ask that you provide additional payment information to process the payment.
  • When interacting with technical or customer service, we ask you for your contact information and information related to the problem you are contacting us about.
  • When you interact with all other services, we may ask you for information such as your name, email address and account ID if you participate in market research surveys, beta tests and our other user participation studies, contests, promotions or events or agree to receive promotional emails from us.

We also retain information you provide when you interact with certain web services. For example, we collect data when you post on a forum (this includes BFs that appear in your forum profile). Similarly, we may collect information you share when you use other features, such as sending voice or text messages, posting to blogs, participating in polls, posting user-generated content, broadcasting or using social media features.

Please ensure that all personal information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. We will send you important information about your account using the contact information you provide (including account security and data protection notices). You can check and update the information you provide at any time through your account management system.

Automatic Data Collection

We may also automatically or passively collect data about your use of our services.

Websites, marketing and advertising

Each time you visit our websites or receive our marketing messages and advertisements from our or third party websites and services, we may automatically record your activity on the websites, emails, advertising and marketing servers that we manage through cookies (small data files placed on your hard drive), web beacons, tracking pixels, browser configuration information (including browser type, list of installed extensions and list of installed fonts), embedded scripts (program codes that are temporarily downloaded to the device) and site personalization settings.

Data we receive from third-party partners

We may receive information, including all of the following, from third-party sources and combine it with information we already receive directly from you. We will process the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  • Information from third parties or services that provide access to games, social networks with which you link your account or that provide information to support OCPP CSS services.
  • Information from other users, such as if those users have given us access to their profiles and you are associated with them in any way, or if they have shared information about you with us in any way.
  • Information from third-party partners as appropriate given our relationship, for example, our security providers may provide us with data to assess fraud risks, and law enforcement or other government agencies may provide us with access to IP addresses and information about suspected illegal or fraudulent activity.
  • Your bank may provide us with your card account renewal information so that we can update your account payment information. After any updates, we will continue to charge you for purchases made using your payment method of choice, unless you notify us otherwise.

Use of Data

How we use the data we collect

This section describes how we may use data we collect about you.

We will only use your data for certain specified reasons and only where we have a legitimate reason to do so. The legitimate reasons we rely on depend on the type of relationship we have with you and how we interact with you. For more information about the purposes for which we process your personal data on these legitimate grounds, see the sections on "Data We Collect or Receive," "Data Use," and "Data Sharing and Transfer." They include the following:

  • Contract - commits us to provide you with our products and services and governs our contractual relationship with you.
  • Legal Interest - allows us to satisfy our legitimate interests or those of third-party partners in managing our services and our relationship with you as described in this Privacy Policy.
  • Legal Obligation - obligates us to comply with our legal obligations under applicable law (e.g., financial reporting).
  • Consent - you consent to us processing your personal data for a specific purpose (including collecting data from your device, personalized advertising and marketing).

We may use data combined from different sources described in the "Data We Collect or Receive" section of this Privacy Policy. For example, we may simultaneously process information we receive from you as a result of your visit to our website, etc., for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.


We may use information about you to provide the services you request. We may personalize the services we provide to you based on the aggregate data we have collected about you (for example, we may use your IP address to display content relevant to where you live). To enable customization of special features (for you or other users), we may convert your voice data into text.


We use the data we collect to better understand, improve and enhance our existing products and services and to use your experience with them and our services to develop new ones. For example, we may use data to improve and optimize user interfaces or fix bugs.

Moderation and Security

We cannot and will not monitor the entire OCPP CSS network. However, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to monitor (including through the use of technology that automatically detects images, text and URLs that violate our Terms of Service) and record your online activity and communications on OCPP CSS, and to remove any material. We may use the data we collect (including all of the above) to detect and enforce violations of our OCPP CSS Network Terms of Use, software terms of use, system software license agreements and any other terms of service to which you have agreed, and any rules or codes of conduct applicable to your use of OCPP CSS.

Marketing and advertising

We may specialize and personalize our marketing messages, shopping recommendations and advertising we display on our and third party websites and services based on the information we collect about you. Through your account user preferences, you can allow or deny us to use the data we collect about you to personalize our advertising - more information about this can be found in the "Your Right to Choose" section of this Privacy Policy.

Legal issues and compliance

We may use the data we collect for audit, compliance and legal purposes (for example, to protect the rights and property of RS Technologies, its partners and customers).


To protect you and other users, we may use the data we collect to:

  • Detect fraudulent activities and transactions.
  • Prevent, investigate and/or prosecute any potential threat or misuse of our services.
  • Protect your account from unauthorized access (for example, we will deny access if an attempt is made to log in from a new location).

Sharing and transferring data

To whom and where we may share data

This section describes how we may share the data we collect with third-party partners who provide services or applications on the OCPP CSS network you use. We do not share personal user data for money. We may share data about you with the following recipients and for the following purposes:

Service Providers

We share data with service providers for OCPP CSS who are individuals or companies that provide services that involve the processing of personal data for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Service providers are obligated to comply with privacy and security requirements.


We may share data about you with the following partners:

  • We may share access to your payment information with financial institutions to complete your purchase and receive payment, as well as credit history and fraud checks.
  • We may, with your permission, provide access to your information to service providers, applications and websites for operational or ancillary purposes (for example, when you link your account with them).
  • We may share your information with our security and fraud prevention service providers, as applicable, to prevent fraudulent activity and protect personal information.
  • We may share your information with our advertising partners with whom we provide services or features, such as sweepstakes, contests, promotions or advertising.
  • We may share data about you with our business partners in connection with the negotiation and sale of a related business, a portion of a business, or certain stock and/or assets, or a corporate merger, consolidation, restructuring or other corporate change, including, without limitation, during due diligence.

Other Users

You are responsible for the material you share in forums, communities, chat rooms and through distribution channels. These materials will be available to other users who may continue to distribute that information. We encourage you to carefully consider what information you are sharing and with whom. We may also index and use the content that you have shared publicly using the OCPP CSS features.

Government Authorities

We may share data about you with police and other government agencies if we believe it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or court order, to locate, protect or secure any persons, their property or their rights, to address fraud and security issues, and to report criminal activity. Most of the instances in which we have provided information to police or government agencies relate to investigations of device theft, unauthorized use of payment facilities or for the purpose of moderating and securing OCPP CSS and its users. On rare occasions, we have also provided information in response to fraud or more serious criminal investigations.

Data transfer outside the country

Our services operate in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries/regions/locations around the world. Please be aware that the data we collect, including personal data, may be transferred, processed and stored in those countries/regions/places and thus courts, law enforcement agencies and other authorities in those countries may, under certain circumstances, have the right to access your personal data. We ensure that when transferring your data outside your country, all appropriate security measures in accordance with the recipients' contracts, the European Commission's standard contractual clauses and other legal mechanisms are observed, so that the transfer takes place only where permitted by applicable law. By using our services or providing us with any information through them, you consent to the transfer, processing and storage of your information in those countries whose privacy laws may not be as comprehensive as those in your country of residence or nationality.

Security and data storage

We are committed to maintaining appropriate technical and organizational security measures that comply with industry standards to protect your data from unauthorized or accidental disclosure, access, misuse, loss or alteration. But as much as we strive to protect your data, we cannot fully secure or guarantee the security of such information. Perfect security cannot be achieved.

Please keep passwords and codes for the security of your devices and accounts and do not disclose them to anyone. Consider disabling the automatic login feature on your account. Contact OCPP CSS Support immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account or other security breach.

We retain the data we collect about you for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. In addition, we may retain your information for an additional period if permitted or required, among other things, to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements. If required by applicable law, we will delete your information when we no longer need it or if we are required to do so. Even if we delete data about you from active databases, it may remain on backup or archival media or other information systems.

Your choices and rights

Your right to choose.

You can choose how we collect, use, store and share your data. These options are available in your account settings. Please make sure that your data is valid. Among other things, you have the right to make choices about all of the following:

  • The right to receive personalized content and marketing messages: whether we can use the data we collect about you to personalize paid advertising.
  • Personalized offers: whether we can use the information we collect to personalize emails and notifications.
  • Email messages: whether we will send you marketing emails.
  • Collection of cookies: if you choose not to allow us to store and access cookies that are not absolutely necessary to provide services on our websites, this will limit the information about your visits to our websites, advertising preferences and commercial purchase recommendations displayed on those websites.

Your rights

In addition to the rights described below, you may also access, change or delete certain information through your account settings.

  • Right of Access and Portability: You have the right to request that we tell you about personal information that we have collected, used and shared about you and to obtain a copy of it.
  • Right to Delete: You have the right to request that we delete personal information we have collected or retained about you under certain circumstances defined by law. To request deletion of your personal information, contact us as described in the "Contact Us" section above. Please note that even after receiving a deletion request, the data we collect about you may continue to be retained based on legal grounds, for accounting, business continuity (back-up), anti-fraud and in the public interest. You can delete your OCPP CSS account by contacting Customer Service.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to correct data about you, to limit its processing and to object to the use of your personal data in certain cases as defined by law.
  • Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain cases. For example, you have the right to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
  • Right to restriction: You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

In some cases, your choice of how you provide, change or delete information may affect how we will provide services and your interaction with our services. We may decline to process requests that are not required by applicable law. You have the right not to be unlawfully discriminated against if you exercise these rights.

To make a request for access or removal of data and to exercise these rights, contact us. Once you submit your request, you will need to verify your identity in order to access your account information, devices, payment instruments or past transactions. We reserve the right to deny your request if you are unable to verify your identity.


If you are concerned about our processing of your personal information, please contact us first so that we can try to resolve your issue as outlined in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.

Changes to this Policy

We may review this Privacy Policy at any time, and if we decide to make any changes, this document will be updated. By continuing to access and use our services after these changes take effect, you acknowledge and agree that your personal information will be treated in accordance with the updated Privacy Policy.