OCPP CSS: Terms of Service

OCPP Central System as a Service
Terms of Service

OCPP Central System as a Service (OCPP CSS) is not intended for persons under 14 years of age. As a consumer, you may have rights under applicable local law that cannot be excluded, limited or modified. Such consumer rights take precedence over any provision of these terms and conditions.


Read these Terms. In interacting with you, we are governed by these Terms. If you violate these Terms, we may suspend your account. If you have questions, please contact Customer Support.

1. What are these Terms and Conditions?

1.1 These Terms apply to all OCPP Central System Station accounts and any use of them.

2. What is OCPP Central System Station?

2.1 OCPP Central System Station is also called OCPP CSS. This is a network service. It is designed for users (consumers of electric power for charging electric vehicles) and administrators of electric vehicle charging service to interact with the point of sale of electric power (charging station). Creating an account is free, but OCPP CSS may charge for certain services.

3. Who are we?

3.1 We are RS Technologies, registration number 1165047055139 ("RST"). registered in the Russian Federation.

3.2 In the territory of the world we act through our network of distributors. Current information about the representative in your city, you can specify by contacting us on the website through the feedback form.

3.3 Our primary interest is that you enjoy and benefit from the comfortable use of OCPP CSS and continue to use it. In making decisions, we consider your interests as well as our own.

3.4 You must be honest with us. Provide us with accurate and correct personal information about yourself. Keep this information up to date.

3.5 This is important because we rely on the information you provide. We use the email address you give us to send you important notices.

3.6 If you give us incorrect information, we may suspend the accounts in question. For example, we may suspend your account. In this case, you will lose access to OCPP CSS and its features, even if you have paid for them. You can contact customer support to find out why we have suspended your account and what to do about it.

4. What other terms and conditions apply when using OCPP CSS?

4.1 In addition to these Terms and Conditions, the following terms and conditions which form part of our agreement with you also apply:

4.1.1 OCPP CSS Privacy Policy - Our company policy about what data we collect about you and how we use and share it.

4.1.2. Software License.

4.2 Failure by you to comply with any of the above will constitute a breach of these Terms.

5. Security of Your Account.

5.1 We use reasonable technical means to protect OCPP CSS and the information we hold about you.

5.2 But you also have to take care of yourself. You are responsible for the use of your account, unless:

5.2.1. someone else has used your account because we failed to sufficiently protect the technical means of OCPP CSS or the information we hold about you;

5.2.2. someone else has taken advantage of your account, but you have taken reasonable steps to prevent it.

6. Do we ever modify OCPP CSS products after you purchase them?

6.1 We sometimes change, following our guidelines.

6.2 We modify OCPP CSS from time to time based on your feedback and our own observations. We make changes to correct flaws and errors in performance, improve quality and security, etc. The products provided by OCPP CSS also change. Changes may include the addition or removal of specific features.

6.3 Changes may be made by automatically downloading important updates over the network.

Updates may not result in loss of data.

7. Canceling your account.

7.1 You can close your account by contacting us.

7.2 We can close your account if it is not used for 60 months. We will only do this if it is not prohibited by law in your country.

7.3 Upon termination of your account, you will lose access to OCPP CSS and will not be able to use the Products purchased for that account. Cancellation of an account is irrevocable.

8. What do we do if you violate these Terms of Service or we believe your account has been compromised?

8.1 If there is reasonable cause to believe that you or any account user that you have authorized to use your account has violated these Terms of Service or your account has been compromised, we may take any action necessary in the circumstances to protect you, our own interests, and the interests of other users.

8.2 Our actions may apply to your account, any other OCPP CSS accounts you use.

8.3 Our actions may include, but are not limited to, resetting account passwords, suspending or terminating your subscriptions, suspending access to some or all features, terminating accounts, or initiating or participating in any administrative, criminal or civil legal action against you.

8.4 In deciding what action to take, we are guided by our basic principles.

8.5 If we do not respond immediately or sufficiently to a violation, this will not stop us from taking appropriate further action.

9. Our responsibility to you when something goes wrong.

9.1 As a consumer, you may have rights under applicable local law that cannot be excluded, limited or modified. Such consumer rights take precedence over any provisions of these rules.

10. Ownership and Use of Intellectual Property ("IP"):

10.1 We own ownership of all IP in OCPP CSS.

10.2. You must use OCPP CSS ONLY:

10.2.1. as set forth in these Terms or the OCPP CSS license;

10.2.2. except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law.

10.3. We protect our IP and the security of OCPP CSS and pursue those who threaten it.

10.4 You may not use stolen or illegally obtained OCPP CSS credentials.

10.5. You are prohibited from doing anything with OCPP CSS:

10.5.1. emulate them;

10.5.2. disrupt their operation;

10.5.3. use any unauthorized hardware or software;

10.5.4. bypass any means of authentication, encryption or security;

10.5.5. access any information that does not belong to you;

10.5.6. share, buy, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, transfer to anyone, or "phish" or collect any account information;

10.5.7. Assist any person to do any of the above.

10.6 You may not create derivative works using OCPP CSS.

10.7 You may not hack, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble OCPP CSS, or assist any person to do any of the above. This prohibition is enforced to the maximum extent permitted by applicable mandatory laws.

10.8 Commercial use of the OCPP CSS, charging for its use, and public reproduction of the IP without the express permission of its owner is prohibited.

10.9 The use of the offered OCPP CS features in accordance with their licenses will not violate Sections 10.6,10.7 and 10.8.

10.10. Before you do anything that is not permitted by these Terms and Conditions, you are advised to consult to see that it is expressly permitted by applicable law.

11. Do we ever change these Terms and Conditions? And what happens after that?

11.1 Yes, we may make changes to these Terms and Conditions.

11.2 If the changes are material or disadvantageous to you, we will ask you to accept the new Terms and Conditions before you log on to the OCPP CSS network.

11.3 If the changes are minor, we will notify you of the changes in advance, e.g. by a pop-up message on the OCPP CS login screen, an email message.

11.4 If you do not accept all changes to the Terms and Conditions, you will not be able to use OCPP CS.

11.5 If you do not accept the changes to these Terms, contact us to cancel your account.

12. How do we enforce these Terms and Conditions?

12.1 These Terms, any agreements made under them, and any conflicts with respect thereto, shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, but you may be afforded additional protection under the laws of your country of residence. The mandatory laws of your country of residence shall take precedence over the laws of the Russian Federation.

12.2 We may enforce these Terms in a court in your country of residence.

13. Can anyone else enforce these Terms?

13.1 No. These Terms do not set out any rights which any third party must have control over.

13.2 We can transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms and any other contracts between you and us entered into under these Terms without your consent. If you are unhappy with such a transfer, you may cancel your account. You may not assign your rights and obligations under these Terms and any other contracts between you and us entered into under these Terms.

14. Questions?

14.1 If you have any questions, please contact us.

15. Contact Information

15.1 Online support: https://ocpp-css.com

15.2 Email us at: support@ocpp-css.com

15.3 When contacting users, our employees should treat them politely and respectfully. We expect the same from you. If you behave in a rude, insulting or threatening manner, we may refuse to continue communicating with you via email or refuse to provide you with help and support. If your behavior poses a danger to our employees, our community or our business, we may suspend your account and contact law enforcement.